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Flute, Piccolo


Ages 8 to 80



Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Clarinet and Sopranino


Ages 8 to 80



Alto, Tenor and Soparano Saxophones

Classical, Rock, Jazz and Favourite melodies


Ages 8 to 80

Music Experience

Music Experience Programme is designed for young students who would like a broad musical experience. Each term focusses on a different instrument, teaching technique, musicianship and reading music.

Instruments include

Percussion ... (basic percussion, reading rhythmic notation and developing a strong beat, progressing to play a basic rock beat on our electric drum kit.

Guitar ... looking at beat and chords, beginning with songs with easy chords and vocals.

Keyboard ... learning to read treble and bass clef, using two hands to play interesting pieces.

Wind ... how to blow brass instruments vs. reeds and flute technique, playing recorder, fife, clarineo and basic brass.


Ages 5 to 10

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